Pdfkit svg
Pdfkit svg

text attributes: x, y, dx, dy, rotate, text-anchor, textLength, word-spacing, letter-spacing, font-size.shapes: rect, circle, path, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon.If your fonts don't follow this pattern, or you want to register fonts at the moment they are encountered in the svg, you can use a custom fontCallback function. Missing Bold, Italic, BoldItalic fonts are simulated with stroke and skew angle. Make sure to name the fonts with the exact pattern 'MyFont', 'MyFont-Bold', 'MyFont-Italic', 'MyFont-BoldItalic' (case sensitive), if the font is named font-family="MyFont" in the svg. SVGtoPDF doesn't wait for font loading with asynchronous XMLHttpRequest. In the browser, it's easier to register fonts ( see here how) before calling SVGtoPDF. precision = precision factor for approximative calculations (default = 3)

#Pdfkit svg pdf#

assumePt = assume that units are PDF points instead of SVG pixels warningCallback = function called when there is a warning colorCallback = function called to get color, making mapping to CMYK possible documentCallback = same as above for the external SVG documents imageCallback = same as above for the images (for Node.js) fontCallback = function called to get the fonts, see source code useCSS = use the CSS styles computed by the browser (for SVGElement only) preserveAspectRatio = override alignment of the SVG content inside its viewport

pdfkit svg

width, height = initial viewport, by default it's the page dimensions X, y = the position where the SVG will be added Doc = the PDF document created with PDFKit

Pdfkit svg